Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Lord's doing

Nathan's making steady progress.

He has graduated from having Hannah and I push him around the several square blocks hospital campus in a wheelchair to wheeling himself around.

And after eating only pureed foods (as in, cream-of-wheat and mashed potatoes) for days, Nathan was happy to join us on a trip to the supermarket across the street from the hospital to pick out some soft foods to supplement his hospital diet. (His oral surgeon says it will be another week or two before his jaw is up to full-fledged chewing.)

Hannah and I were taken aback the other day to see the oral surgeon remove from Nathan's mouth a (transparent) "plate" that had been affixed to the roof of his mouth. (We hadn't even known it was there!) "What's that?!" we asked. The surgeon explained that it was a sort of "cast." Come to find out, Nathan's palate (the bone inside the roof of his mouth) was broken (split lengthwise) by the force of the blow when the auto mirror struck the side of his head. (Just like what happened to the bone behind his eyes.) One more reminder that it is only the grace of God that enabled Nathan to survive the accident...and to do so without permanent brain damage!

"This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous to see!" (Psalm 118:23)

We'll soon be "snail-mailing" our praying family and friends a short account of "the Lord's doing." If you'd like to receive it, and aren't already on our "snail mail" list, please email your name and address to and I'll see to it that you receive that mailing.

We'd love to keep in touch with the friends who have been praying for Nathan! (Some of you we haven't even met!) I'll continue blogging regularly (but not daily) as well, even after Nathan transfers from the hospital to a rehab center.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is good all the time. I can't wait for more miracles to happen in the coming days of rehab!