Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gott sei Dank!

Yesterday was a difficult day at the hospital for Hannah and me. Unpleasant surprises (e.g., the trauma surgeon's saying that he proposed to start with surgery on Nathan's broken ankles (we knew his legs are broken, but no one had told us his ankles are broken!). Disconcerting changes in plans (e.g., because there is some infection in Nathan's legs, they will be leaving the external "scaffolding" in place for 5-6 weeks). At one point, the surgeon said that he didn't propose to do surgery today at all. That was discouraging.

Our worst scare came when the ICU staff said an opthamologist had been called in to look at Nathan's eyes. They had told us his eyes were fine, so we were fearful that things had changed for the worse.

By the time we left in the evening, we were worn out, but things were looking up. The opthamologist finally showed up, and explained that their calling him was a good sign. Nathan's brain condition had improved to the point that they could dilate his pupils to examine his retinas. Dilating his pupils was something they hadn't dare do before (they had been watching his pupils to alert them to sudden brain problems). And the surgeon decided he'd go ahead with the leg/ankle surgery today after all.

And today was a great day. Nathan tolerated the the 6-7 hour surgery well and he looks better than ever. They got him all cleaned him up and styled his hair to match the photos Hannah had taped up beside his bed! :) Said the nurse, "He's a nice boy." (Since she's never seen him conscious, I assume she means he's a nice-looking boy.) And the ICU doctor explained that the external "scaffolding" on Nathan's legs is the best, and least painful, approach to effecting the healing badly-shattered leg bones. So far, so good.

Nathan heads back to surgery at 7:30 am tomorrow for the bones of his face (his jaw, cheekbones, and the back of his eye sockets). After that, they'll begin gradually waking him up. (He'll have one more operation next week on the ankle that the surgeon did not do today, as it was somewhat swollen.)

Nathan has a long road ahead, but we are making progress, and Hannah and I are happy and the doctors and nurses, to you pray-ers, and to God Himself. Gott sei Dank! Thank God!


bulaho said...

Gott sei Dank, indeed! Praise Him, our Mighty Creator! We will persevere in prayer for Nathan.

Rusty Bautista

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg & Hannah,

Received the Email concerning Nathan & want you to know that the Doane Rest staff & I are praying for him and for you to sense His loving presence.

Unknown said...

Hi, Uncle Greg.

My coworker at school was just involved in a fatal car accident today, she died at the scene. I was reminded of Nathan, and how glad I am to hear that he is doing better somehow. These events have made me realize even more the value of life, our mortality, and God's grace in times of our deepest needs.


Anonymous said...

Philip and I are praying for Nathan. Our Mighty God is at work at all times especially with people all over the world praying for Nathan round the clock. Be comforted....

Charlotte Ng