Sunday, October 28, 2007

Grateful for His mercy; in need of new mercies

Nathan's condition is encouraging and distressing at the same time (if that is possible!). It is encouraging to see him making generally steady progress. It is distressing that the process is so slow and that he has so far to go.

He has already undergone three operations--the first the night of the accident (to stabilize both his legs and his face) and two since (one on his legs and the other on the bones of his face). Two or three more operations will be required. He is scheduled for his fourth operation mid-day tomorrow: the second operation on his right leg. He will have more surgery on his left leg and ankle at some future date. More surgery on his jaw may or may not be required. He is still on a respirator and he has to have his arms restrained much of the time to prevent him from yanking the tube from his mouth.

He cannot, of course, talk with that respirator tube in place, but he responds to our singing to him, or assuring him of God's care, or reading him letters from friends and family, in one of three ways: (1) tears fall from his eyes; or (2) he grimaces (I figured out that he's trying to weep aloud, but cannot, due to the tube in his mouth); or (3) his respiration monitor alarm goes off, indicating that he is not taking a breath (because he is weeping). So we do some singing and reading him letters, but we don't "overdo it." Please pray that Nathan will soon be able to get along without that respirator.

God has shown great mercy to Nathan and to us in a vast host of ways. (Just one example for now: The nurse on duty tonight is so kind to Nathan and to us.) I will try to blog further on God's mercies while Nathan is in surgery tomorrow. But we continue to feel the need of his "new-every-day" mercies.

"I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over Nathan's losses and his suffering. Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The unfailing love of the Lord never ends. By His mercies Nathan has been kept from complete destruction. Great is His faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself: We can count on God not to abandon His children. Therefore I will hope in Him!" (adapted from Lamentations 3:20-24, New Living Translation)


gerri miller said...

Dear Greg & Hannah,

Just a note to let you know we continue to lift up Nathan and your whole family up to the throne of grace, where our strong and loving God cares and listens. I know many join us here in Manila.
Psalm 46

Kim Sison said...

Hi Greg! My reading today in Psa 29 is a great encouragement to me that our God, the God of Israel, deserves worship for who he is! May the LORD give strength to you all! May the LORD bless you with peace! (v11)

JINGSINayOcampo said...

Kuya Greg and ate Hannah,

Your courage is a powerful testimony of God's strength and lovingkindness. Shalom.

grace.felizardo said...

Hi Greg and Hannah!
Thank you for the encouragement of your updates regarding Nathan. We praise God for your very tangible faith and for giving you strength throughout.
We had John 16:20 as one of our suggested devotions at the conference -"You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy." Reading your message on Nathan's first response to your singing brought me to tears. Ate Myrna showed us her quilt of Sparkling Stars-with a combination of light and dark fabrics. The effect was so beautiful! The light fabrics came bursting forth from the dark background, so that despite being amidst the dark, the experience makes you focus on the light fabrics.
We missed you so much at the conference Hannah. The suggestion that the next women conference will be after two years should not be a long wait now though. It was encouraging to see Stacey on the last day. She even joined us at the walk ceremony.
May God continue to heal Nathan, in a much faster pace : )