Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ankle surgery...and walking in God's life-giving light

It was an O.K. day at the hospital today. Nathan is frequently lucid. But he is lucid only on-and-off, and his speech is very slurred. They say that his mental confusion and slurred speech are inevitable symptoms of his "withdrawal" from weeks of sedation medication. It is a slow, difficult process to get his "feet back on the ground" mentally. Many of his utterances are incomprehensible, but some are intelligible...and some of his comments provide some comic relief. Early in the day today, he told the nurse that he was at the Manila airport. And he exclaimed to Hannah "Help! Get me outa here!"

Nathan's telling the nurse he's at the Manila airport definitely undermined his credibility in the ICU! :) But his being able to swallow and to squeeze the doctor's and nurse's hands on command entitled him to have the oxygen mask removed. (He still has an oxygen tube in his nose. He doesn't like that one bit, but it is less obtrusive than the big mask that covered his nose and mouth.)

He will have surgery on his left ankle tomorrow. That is good news in that the skin on that ankle has healed to the point that they are willing to make an incision to set the bones.

It is easy to lose sight of the fact that we were, just two weeks ago, praying that pressure on his brain would not cut Nathan's life short. He has come a long way! God has been gracious and we are grateful to Him and to you pray-ers. Join us in a celebratory prayer that looks back to being rescued from death, and forward to a life of "walking in His life-giving light:" "You have rescued me from death... So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your life-giving light." (Psalm 56:13, New Living Translation) That's a good prayer for any of us, isn't it?


Kim Sison said...

PS 62:11 "Once God has spoken; Twice I have heard this:That power belongs to God; 12 And lovingkindness is Thine, O Lord..."

Dear Greg and Hannah, in Nathan, we see both the power of God and His lovingkindness at work. He has been God's awesome demonstration of these two attributes of God.

Thus, our family rejoices in the progress we see todate.

Anonymous said...

hi, greg and hannah! reading your blog has been my daily fare. i am amazed and encouraged with nathan's recovery. a doctor who read your first reports said Nathan's chances are grim, but look how our awesome God has worked. hang on... we're praying and trusting God with you.