Wednesday, November 28, 2007

No fear :)

Nathan is making progress, day by day. He is in a regular hospital ward now, and is free of tubes and monitors. The physical therapist yesterday helped him into a wheelchair for the first time. And we have submitted an application to a rehab program that is very highly recommended.

Nathan would dearly love to go back to school this coming January. But to pull that off would require that:
1) he be ready to go to rehab within a couple weeks;
2) he be admitted to that rehab program in December in spite of the fact that they presumably try to reduce the number of patients over the holidays (and there are more applicants than spaces in that program year-around!);
3) he finish the rehab program very speedily;
4) the University of Portland allow him to return to school somewhat later than the January 7 first day of classes.

That does sound ambitious, doesn't it? :) But if Nathan can't go back to school here in Salzburg in January, it raises a host of questions about where to go from here.

Our God has already worked wonders for Nathan, so we know very well that he is more than capable of bringing all those things to pass. But the Lord knows better than we what would be best for Nathan. We've gotta trust Him to orchestrate circumstances as He sees fit.

"O Sovereign Lord! You have made the heavens and earth by your great power. Nothing is too hard for you! You are loving and kind to thousands... You are the great and powerful God, the Lord Almighty. You have all wisdom and do great and mighty miracles...."
(Jeremiah 32:17-19)

"Who can forget the wonders he performs? How gracious and merciful is our Lord!" (Psalm 111:4)

"Happy are those who fear the Lord...
They do not fear bad news;
they confidently trust the Lord to care for them." (Psalm 112:1, 7)


Anonymous said...

We so appreciate the continuing updates. They allow us to be with you during fearful and joyous events, and give our prayers specific direction. What an amazing story this is!

Unknown said...

alleluia!!! the Lord's good. This happens so that He will be glorified. Can't contain my joy to hear the good news. Regarding plans for studies, don't worry. what God has started He will finish.

love, jenny

The journey from mom to grandmother said...

Dearest Nathan and family,

I have saved your blog to my favorites and read everyday, updates or not. What a miracle to read: "no tubes, no monitors and a wheelchair."

As Jenny said, what joy we feel for Nathan and all of you there in Salzburg.

We will continue to read and PRAY.