Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving (Part I)

It's Thanksgiving Day in the USA today, and we are very thankful indeed here in Salzburg. Nathan's surgery this noon went just fine, they tell us. That operation (his sixth) is the last of the major operations he needs. He'll be recovering in the ear-nose-throat unit for a couple of days and then they'll transfer him to the trauma unit where they'll continue work on his legs. At the same time, the oral surgery department will begin working on his jaw and teeth. (He is in a university hospital where each specialty has their own unit.)

I have, for some time, been meaning to make a list of the things for which we are thankful in connection with Nathan's accident. It is such a long list that one blog will not suffice to "chronicle" them all. (I share the sentiments of the writer of Psalm 106:2: "Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord? Who can ever praise him half enough?")

But I'll mention just a few of the ways God cared for Nathan, and for our family, in this first "installment" of an ongoing Thanksgiving blog:

The weekends preceding the weekend the accident, Nathan had been traveling in Prague, Vienna, and Munich, respectively. He returned safely from each of those out-of-town trips. He was struck (as a pedestrian) by a van as he was crossing the street just two blocks from "home" at the University of Portland Center in in Salzburg, Austria. Why is it so wonderful that that accident took place so close to his "home" in Salzburg?

1) Several American doctors have told us that Austria is the home of the world's best trauma surgeons. At international medical conferences, the presenters on trauma surgery are invariably Austrian. (The Austrians have refined the art of treating victims of ski accidents.)

2) Nathan was alone when the accident took place, but the friends with whom he had been "hanging out" in a nearby park heard the accident and hurried to the scene in time to identify Nathan and run back to the Center for help. The University of Portland program director was on the scene before the ambulance could leave, was rushed to the hospital by the police at the scene, and on the phone to us right away.

3) The hospital to which Nathan was rushed by ambulance is close to the Center (in fact, it is within walking distance, and on the same city bus line), making it easy for Hannah and me to commute to the hospital daily and for Nathan's friends to visit frequently. That has been a big encouragement to him.

4) The University of Portland has graciously accommodated Hannah and me at the Center, making it possible for us to stay for an extended period in a city that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive.

Those four items are just the first in a long list of ways in which God has cared for Nathan and for us. Tomorrow's blog will introduce you to "Good Samaritans" (Austrian, American, Filipino, and Chinese) who have come to Nathan's aid and to ours. For tonight, suffice to say that we are God, to them, and to you faithful pray-ers.

God bless you this Thanksgiving Day!


Kim Sison said...

We praise you O God Almighty for your wisdom and ways, so difficult to comprehend yet all done for our good. All the more, as we read Greg's Thankgiving updates, your glory is revealed. In Jesus Name. Amen.

The journey from mom to grandmother said...

And in thanksgiving wherever one may be in the world, Nathan and family remain in our prayers.

Joy and Lester said...

As we read your thoughts, we were amazed by how God displayed his miracles over your family. God will never leave you nor forsake you. In times like these, just remember what Job went through, everything was taken from him but he remained steadfast with the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Patricia and Uncle Jim....
We follow your notes each day and take joy in
Nathan's progress.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news that he is now in the regular ward without tubes and monitor! To God be the glory for all that he has done! Please send our love to Nathan. With legs reinforced with steel makes him like a bionic man :) Love to you both, too....thelma and jonathan